Thursday, 18 December 2014

Gambia Press Union Faces Financial Scandal


Gambia Press Union, GPU is indeed sinking, this media body is rolling in to the  grave.Because the way and manner the misrepresented executive are managing its affairs is so terrible considering allegation of   gross  financial indiscipline unfair treatment of its members.
According to a document emanated that  from the GPU entitled 'News Print Project Account' amount to D440, 000.00 aims to help media house to have printing 
paper at a cheaper rate.
The document indicated the D203,456.00 is owed by media house....even GPU President has told Gambia Affairs that Media houses X, Y AND Z is owing lot of monies to the GPU?  Now we try to find out which of the media houses are  owing monies  to the union?
It was revealed  that The Standard newspaper is owing D1, 50. 000, Daily newspaper D50, 000 and The Point D3, 456.
when approached yesterday evening Sheriff Bojang, Managing Director Standard newspaper Said "I owed GPU D1, 50 million"
"Do you know how much GPU is owing me; " Bojang asked Mafugi Ceesay.
Madi Ceesay, Proprietor of Daily news said "We did not owe a bu-tutu to the GPU the time of our closure"
We are paying cheques every week to Lamin Njie who by the time was the one responsible of our printing", he said. It is so unfortunate that the GPU president Ba Emil Touray is shifting blame on Lamin Njie, i think as a good leader he should take the responsibility because he is the head of that institution, Madi added.
Pap Saine, Managing Director The Point Newspaper said "Not to my knowledge that we owed GPU that amount" Interestingly this  hidden secrets are now  exposed. While just last September The Voice newspaper was said to have been denied printing from the GPU printing press for owing only a token amount of 500 dalasis to the union.  Considering the way and manner the union is been run under Bai Emil one would tend to ask if the union is an allies or a group people belonging to the same social clubs. For the fact that other media houses owe this huge amount the GPU leadership  are muted on the issue while denying others printing for arears as small as five hundred dalasi. 
 "Where is the aim of representing the interest of all media houses asked a concern journalist"
Many journalists in the Gambia  suggested that  going  for congress right now is bad idea. They want union leaders to find answers to the question on every ones   lip “ A proper accountability of all the monies and assets the GPU had and who mismanaged what during their tenure in office”.


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